Getting Started

To start developing a VAP with the new API, please use the create_adi_project tool to stub out the new file format:

[lansing@emerald ~]$ create_adi_project
usage: create_adi_project [-h] [-t TEMPLATE] [-p PROCESS] [-o OUTPUT]
                          [-a AUTHOR] [-n PHONE] [-e EMAIL] [-i INPUT]
                          [-d DUMP_JSON] [-v DOD_VERSION]

In particular, use one of the two new templates:

New VAP TEMPLATES available in Py
vap-py-retriever  --> uses the new xarray API
vap-py-transform  --> uses the new xarray API

The main difference between old ADI Py processes and ones created with the new API is the file. Instead of implementing dsproc hook functions individually, new processes will extend the Process base class and then the main function will simply call to invoke ADI.


Much of the functionality that was previously in the template is now built into the Process base class (or XArrray). Therefore, you will see that the new templates contain significantly less boilerplate code.

Each Process can implement any of the ADI hooks by overriding the default (empty) implementation in the base class. Please see the tutorial_py project for an example. Also review the Process API Reference for a list of functions that are available to your class.


For the best experience working with the new ADI Python API, we recommend a solid foundation in the XArray and Numpy libraries. Below are a list of tutorials to get you started:





Developing with an IDE

We strongly recommend that you use an IDE such as VSCode or PyCharm to develop your code remotely. This will enable you to get autocomplete support for all Process functions which include built-in Python docstrings. This will make it significantly easier to work with the new API. In addition, you will be able to set break points and step through your code which will make it much easier to debug.

The new create_adi_project templates will provide a .vscode folder that contains a README file with instructions and all the config files needed to get started debugging remotely with VSCode. Additional instructions for PyCharm will be provided at a later time. Click here to view the VSCode README file.